subota, 25. siječnja 2014.


sweater - Rosewholesale

Sometimes I just don't want to sleep, don't want to study, don't want to think. I just want to do something creative to put all of my thoughts aside. That is exactly what I did with my sister few days ago. It was midnight, my hair was messy, she grabbed a camera and this is the result.

Photos by Klara Komen

petak, 17. siječnja 2014.


Some of my favorite sunset photos taken from my balcony during these past few months. This makes me unbelievably happy.
I have only one word for this - home. 

Photos by me.

nedjelja, 12. siječnja 2014.


varsity jacket - Stradivarius - (similar here and here), rings - H&M (similar here and here), boots - Zara. 

Moja ljubav prema baseball jaknicama se iz dana u dan povećava. Teško ih je ne voljeti kada se slažu sa gotovo svakim komadom odjeće koji posjedujem. Uz traperice i tenisice za ležerne kombinacije ili uz visoke potpetice i uske haljine za izlaske. Svaki put kad nosim jaknu ovog tipa sjetim se Emme Watson u filmu "The Perks Of Being A Wallflower" i koliko je neodoljivo slatka i opuštena u svojoj baseball jaknici.


My love for baseball jackets is growing from day to day. It's hard not to love them when they work so well with almost every piece of clothing that I own. With jeans and sneakers for a casual everyday outfits or with high heels and tight dresses for nights in clubs. Every time I wear a jacket of this type I think of Emma Watson in "The Perks Of Being A Wallflower" and how irresistibly cute and relaxed she is in her baseball jacket.

Photos by Petra Gugleta.

subota, 11. siječnja 2014.


Ako još uvijek niste nabavili kalendar za ovu godinu i ne želite potrošiti puno novaca, onda je ovaj post kao stvoren za vas. Grafička dizajnerica i blogerica Jasmine Dowling čije ste radove mogli primjetiti na blogu a pair & a spare napravila je ovaj fenomenalan i jednostavan kalendar kojega je moguće isprintati kod kuće. 
Ja sam odlučila zakačiti papire štipaljkama za papir i objesiti ih na žičanu vješalicu zajedno sa omiljenim sunčanim naočalama. Kalendar možete pronaći na ovom linku. :)


If you still haven't found the perfect 2014 calendar and you don't want to spend all of your pennies on it, than you came to the right place. Graphic designer and blogger Jasmine Dowling whose work you may have notices on a pair & a spare blog made this awesome and simple printable calendar. I decided to hook the papers with paper pins onto a wire hanger along with my favorite sunnies. This calendar can be found here. :)

Photos by me.

četvrtak, 2. siječnja 2014.


varsity jacket - H&M (similar here and here), cutout dress - H&M (similar here and here), bag - David Jones (similar here and here)

Nadam se da ste fantastično dočekali novu godinu. Moj doček je bio sasvim u redu, sa prijateljima, plesanjem i, neću lagati, nekoliko pića. 
Čvrsto sam odlučila kako ću sve dane ove godine, ali i svih nadolazećih, provesti sa maksimalno smijanja, plesanja i sveopće pozitivne energije. Upravo sam zbog ovog razloga prvo jutro ove godine provela plešući u najnovijem kompletu donjeg rublja uz najdraže pjesme. Djevojke se samo žele zabavljati, zar ne? ;)


I hope you all had a fantastic New Years Eve! Mine was just fine, filled with friends, dancing and ,well I am not going to lie, a few drinks. 
I am determined to spend all of 2014 days, as well as all upcoming, with a maximum amount of laughing, dancing and overall positive energy. For this particular reason I spent the first morning of this year dancing at my favorite songs in my new set of underwear. Girls just want to have fun, right? ;)

Photos by Iva Benić