sweater - Rosewholesale
Sometimes I just don't want to sleep, don't want to study, don't want to think. I just want to do something creative to put all of my thoughts aside. That is exactly what I did with my sister few days ago. It was midnight, my hair was messy, she grabbed a camera and this is the result.
Photos by Klara Komen
Sometimes I just don't want to sleep, don't want to study, don't want to think. I just want to do something creative to put all of my thoughts aside. That is exactly what I did with my sister few days ago. It was midnight, my hair was messy, she grabbed a camera and this is the result.
Photos by Klara Komen
Slike su ispale super, bas mi se svidjaju...
OdgovoriIzbrišiJoj, sada zelim da imam sestru, da mogu da je smaram da me slikava u ponoc. :P :D
odlične slike pravi model! vesta je preslatka.xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiFora su ti slike i pomalo me podsjećaš na na Natalie Portman, a pogotovo na 2. slici! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou should be a model! :) ❇♥ Blog written by two friends: http://teenagewastelandbyhd.blogspot.com/ ♥❇
OdgovoriIzbrišidzemeper je zakon :))
aah prekrasne slike :)) znam ovaj dzemper, bas sam ga gledala neki dan hh! super je ovo :))
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