jacket - Mango, velvet shorts - Zara, beanie - H&M, sweater - SammyDress
I spent this weekend re-watching a film that made me fall in love with fashion. I was also sipping machiatos with one of my favorite people and eating delicious home cooked meals that my gradfather made. Now I am planning to finish this post, tuck in under blankets and watch the season finale of Carrie Diaries while drinking mint tea and whatsapp-ing with my best friend. Quite unproductive, but also quite perfect. :)
photos - Nika Cuculić
I spent this weekend re-watching a film that made me fall in love with fashion. I was also sipping machiatos with one of my favorite people and eating delicious home cooked meals that my gradfather made. Now I am planning to finish this post, tuck in under blankets and watch the season finale of Carrie Diaries while drinking mint tea and whatsapp-ing with my best friend. Quite unproductive, but also quite perfect. :)
photos - Nika Cuculić
predivno mi je ovo, fotke mi se baš sviđaju ! I moje su nedelje takve inače.. sve sam moguće serije već pregledala ..Carrie diaries je super za opustiti se i mozak na pašu :)
OdgovoriIzbrišimedena :)))
Divne fotke a ti si tako lijepa :)
aaaah, odlicno izgledas ;))
Jako lijepe fotke, a outfit ću definitivno isfurat! xoxo
OdgovoriIzbrišisavršena jakna i preslatka kombinacija! :) možeš li mi molim te reći koji broj ti je jakna?
OdgovoriIzbrišiPredivna kombinacija,jako mi se sviđa torba :) koji je to film ako se smije znat?